How deep is your belief in YOURSELF?

This Month’s Tea

(newsletter theme of the month):

The Skim

(a preview of the entire newsletter):

  • What’s PREVENTING you from DEEPENING self-belief and self-trust?
  • Mercury retrograde is coming up! And what this has to do with your money mindset
  • A brand new, POWERFUL April masterclass just for entrepreneurs, creatives, coaches, youtubers, (and aspiring ones!)
  • A free masterclass on HOLDING your standards in dating!

This Month's Honey:

(inspirational quote or message, a recommendation, or one of my learnings for the month):

“What we do and how we respond in the spaces where we are HIT with the unknown, when we have ZERO validation, when we have ZERO knowing over the outcome of things is where we meet our TRUE level of self-belief”

- Beatrice Kamau

What’s in your strainer?

(things that may be holding you back and what to do about it):

What does it actually TAKE for your belief in YOURSELF, YOUR WORK, YOUR IDEAS, what you want to EXPERIENCE, where you want to be etc. to WAVER?

Is it what other people think?

Is it your past attempts and how they played out or things that have happened in your past in general?

Is it how you see the people around you MOVING?

Where are you seeing LIMITATIONS that are actually resources in disguise to help you get to your next level?

What are you choosing not to LEVERAGE?

I invite you to think DEEPLY about the above. It’s time to clock the distractions + SEND IT and get re-anchored into who you KNOW yourself to be. 🚀


(major astrology to take note of):

Solar Eclipse at the North Node in Aries (April 19 at 9:13 PM PST): Eclipses are always a time of QUICK, abrupt changes and revelations. Not a time to MAKE changes but rather to witness changes that are happening and revelations that are coming through for you. A time of contemplation really. Aries, a cardinal sign, is all about ideas, creativity, and LEADERSHIP. During this eclipse, notice where you’re being led to begin something NEW, to shake shit up, to bring new ideas forward. Contemplate this and stay in observation mode around it. And then AFTER the eclipse, after contemplation, commit to moving into ACTION mode.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus (April 21st- May 14): Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of Money, honey! During this retrograde period is a REALLY good time to take a look at what stories have you been ENTERTAINING around money? Indulgence, downtime, and pleasure? (Taurus is associated with all of the above) Where have you made how you move + spend money WRONG? What needs to get cleared? What is your relationship to money and what needs shifting + upgrading?

What's brewing?

(what's new/low cost offerings coming up in my world):

Ahhh! My April Masterclass, Conviction, is coming up in just a few weeks!

Conviction is a live masterclass for entrepreneurs on dropping the preoccupation with external validation + activating the uncircumstantial SELF-BELIEF and CONFIDENCE in what you have to offer the world.

Here’s what we’ll be covering in conviction:

🚀 How to no longer second guess yourself, your passion, and what you have to offer the world based on NUMBERS + vanity metrics (likes, views, subscribers, downloads etc)

🚀 How to form deep levels of CONVICTION and staying power in what you have to offer the world as an entrepreneur, creative, or influencer (or aspiring one!) even when you have ZERO evidence that it’s “working” or “a small audience”

🚀 How to activate the LEVEL of self-belief that leads to SUCCESS as you’re building ⬅️⬅️ the thing I wish I KNEW when I was starting out


(what's happening in the community):

On April 13 at 5 PM PST, I will be running Hold the Standard, a FREE masterclass on the frequency + energetics behind HOLDING– not just setting!-- a standard in dating! If you set a standard only to negotiate it with yourself 5 minutes later for the person who you KNOW does not match what you’re looking for…. Like the situationship guy 👀. I highly recommend you sign up! This is a BIG conversation you WON’T want to miss.

My thought process behind creating these weekly threads was for people who wanted to expand on the topics mentioned on the podcast to have that space and to connect with others who want to do the same

Also, if you haven't joined the communitea yet…. You 100% NEED to!

Matcha Green Tea Energy

(tip to help with INTENTIONAL + stable energy management):

Pay attention to what DISTRACTS you from your ability to anchor in deeper levels of self-belief.

Are you spending time GROWING and DEEPENING your self-belief through making moves and taking ACTION with the self-belief you desire to HAVE


Are you spending time getting DISTRACTED by what’s happening in your current reality?

There’s a difference between being AWARE of what’s happening in your current situation/reality and being DISTRACTED by it.

And knowing the difference will be the difference between your energy being DRAINED and your frequency RISING.😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

What to indulge in this month

(Beatrice’s indulgent pick of the month: candle, tea, wine, perfume etc.):

To know me is to know I am actually perfume-OBSESSED. It makes me feel luxe. It makes me feel INDULGENT. And it brightens and elevates my mood. I actually refuse to LEAVE THE HOUSE without perfume.

One time, I made it down the elevator of my place and into my boyfriend’s car, buckled my seat belt, and I told him , wait stop, I have to go back upstairs to spray my Chanel Chance Eau Tendre (my brunch perfume lol) 🤣. Like it’s a WHOLE THING.

And this month I discovered one of the most BEAUTIFUL gourmand fragrances with a bit of a fresh, floral touch. Kayali Yum Pistachio Gelato 33. The scent profile is SO BEAUTIFUL. The notes I smell the strongest are: whipped cream, cotton candy, sweet rum, white peony, + geranium. 😩

I actually found this at my local sephora! You can also find it on their website here.

For you and the sweet-tea in your Life

(dating tips):

For the single honey bees:

This is your sign that the love you desire is OUT THERE. I don’t care what you’ve entertained in the past. If you’ve never had a relationship in the past.

If it’s been years and nothing has worked. What you want WANTS YOU BACK. It’s time to ACTIVATE that self-belief and MOVE like you know that’s the truth because it IS.

For the coupled up love bugs:

If you have moments of trouble trusting your partner, do you take accountability for these feelings and share them with your partner or do you find and look for ways to PROVE to yourself why you cannot trust them + make assumptions around them. Where can you lean in to connection + HONESTY here in a way that’s both vulnerable AND accountable?

Until the next pour 🫖,


Hi! I'm Beatrice!

Beatrice Kamau. Mind expander. Top podcast host of the Self Love Fix. Abundance magnet⚡️ I help you alchemize doubt👉🏾 self-trust + magnetize your desires to you with EASE🔮🪄

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