Let's chat: discomfort in the healing process

This Month’s Tea

(newsletter theme of the month):

The Skim

(a preview of the entire newsletter):

  • Turning the tables on how we respond to discomfort in the healing process
  • Uncovering the versions of ourselves that want to be seen and bringing down the WALLS surrounding them
  • Speaking our positive emotional connections with men into existence with the Woman of Depth
  • Holding discomfort in dating and relationships😮‍💨

This Month's Honey:

(inspirational quote or message, a recommendation, or one of my learnings for the month):

A lot of people try to run from discomfort.

Whether it’s the discomfort you experience in downward dog in yoga or when you’re on your last rep in the gym and feel like you’re going to give up.

When it’s time to set a boundary and someone reacts negatively.

When it’s been 2 days after a date and you haven’t heard back from someone.

When you experience jealousy witnessing someone who has something you want.

People try to get rid of discomfort because they assume that it means something is wrong.

That they’re doing something wrong. That they’ve pushed themselves too much.

So they try to relieve themselves of the discomfort by going back to square one– to the familiar.

I actually don’t believe discomfort is a sign that you’re doing something wrong, I think it’s a sign you’re doing something right.

Now, please use some healthy adult discernment here.

There’s a difference between experiencing discomfort when going down a dark alley and discomfort when you’re about to expand or there’s something within you that wants to be seen and is hoping you finally acknowledge it.

This month, I’ve had to hold QUITE A BIT of discomfort. And for me, what’s been incredible is noticing just how much I am able to hold it, see it, not try to shut it out, and still continue going about my day and doing what I need to do without spiraling and collapsing or questioning my identity.

What if discomfort isn’t something to run away from but something to lean into? Afterall, if you’re running from discomfort, you’re really running from who you’re becoming.

What’s in your strainer?

(things that may be holding you back and what to do about it):

This month, I’m giving you some journal questions to really contemplate how you experience discomfort (These are realllly good ones!)✍🏾:

Who do you become when you experience a wave of discomfort? What aspects of you jump out to try and protect you from feeling or seeing it?

What is your immediate response?

What is your tolerance level to experiencing discomfort?

What is your tolerance level to being present for OTHERS discomfort? How does this mirror how you handle yours?


(major astrology to take note of):

Full moon in Leo Feb 5 at 10:29 AM PST: This month is quite light astrologically with a full moon in romantic, charming, no-stranger-to-the-limelight, Leo. This full moon really asks, “Where are you hiding from being seen?”

“What is it about you that is totally unique to you that WANTS to be made visible and what do you have to release– what story do you need to stop telling yourself in order to feel safe enough for it to be clearly seen by others without trying to hide?”

To me, each full moon, we really get an opportunity to witness and see a part of our unconscious patterns that our subconscious reveals to us. And when this happens, we get two choices: we can either turn a blind eye to what’s revealed to us or be committed to doing and choosing differently.

What's brewing?

(what's new/low cost offerings coming up in my world):

Woman of Depth, my 4 week group program on how to form GENUINE, safe, and loving emotional connections with men in dating in relationships takes place this month starting Feb 21st at 5:30 PM PST.

A lot of people claim they want an emotionally available partner but unconsciously, they really desire to attract emotional unavailability in relationships because then they actually get to AVOID experiencing discomfort in being OPEN + vulnerable😬.

In the Woman of Depth, a Woman of Desire™ program, we re-define discomfort, vulnerability, holding SPACE for your emotions, and holding space for the emotions of your partner or the men you date, so that you can ACTUALLY attract an emotionally available partner and feel SAFE ENOUGH to open up to them, and safe enough to be… all sides of your human self with them.

Woman of Depth is DESIGNED for you if have difficulty bringing your walls DOWN in dating and relationships.

ESPECIALLY if you lean avoidant or anxious-avoidant/disorganized when it comes to your attachment styles and fear that opening up will lead to someone taking ADVANTAGE of you or viewing you as WEAK.

Emotional connection is the FOUNDATION for any healthy, supportive emotionally available relationship. If you're ready to connect to your softness, vulnerability, and bring your walls DOWN, Woman of Depth is for you.

The Woman of Depth is currently $555 and goes up to $649 Friday, February 3.

Enroll below to catch the current price before it goes up! Payment plans available. ***Also note today is the LAST DAY to catch the 3 month payment plan!***


(what's happening in the community):

I’m having an INCREDIBLE, FREE live event taking place Wednesday, February 8 at 5 PM PST called Stepping into Your Sovereignty.

Stepping into Your Sovereignty is a FREE masterclass on what’s actually REQUIRED to actually trust in your POWER, your ability to LEAD your life, and your ability to set boundaries without the overthinking, shame, “did I do the right thing?!" Thoughts, and spiraling + feeling CONFUSED when others do not understand or support the direction you’re headed in.

Matcha Green Tea Energy

(tip to help with INTENTIONAL + stable energy management):

There’s a difference between allowing yourself to SIT with discomfort to allow the parts of you that normally get suppressed to be SEEN and straight up IDENTIFYING with living in the land of discomfort aka not actually doing what’s necessary to get yourself OUT OF a situation you no longer want to be in.

THAT can be a SERIOUS energy drainer. Contemplating and seeing yourself experiencing a pattern or a way of living that you don’t like and becoming… complacent with what you see.

For example, this happens with people in their careers A LOT. Someone may have a job they really do not like. They’re aware of how it makes them feel. They’re not suppressing it but they just allow themselves to ADAPT to living with discomfort. They actually DENY how bad it is for them.

Not the vibe. This is an example of not allowing discomfort to be supportive to you.

Now if the same person decided to break bread with the discomfort they’re experiencing aka let it really tell them a story about why this feeling is coming up in the first place– and if they choose to ACCEPT how they’re currently feeling enough to DO something about it, man.

Then in this situation, discomfort becomes a real catalyst for POSITIVE CHANGE.

Notice how you’re UTILIZING discomfort and if it is something that is supportive or unsupportive in your life.

What to indulge in this month

(Beatrice’s indulgent pick of the month: candle, tea, wine, perfume etc.):

This. Perfume.

My friend got me this perfume for my birthday and I loveee it.

It has notes of madagascar vanilla and pear and everytime I smell it, I just go mmmMMMMmmm lol. I spray it right after a shower in the evening and it makes me feel deliciously, well.. indulgent😉🍯


For you and the sweet-tea in your Life

(dating tips):

For the single honey bees:

If you lean anxious when it comes to not receiving a text message when you thought you would or not hearing back from someone when you thought you would in dating, lean into this discomfort.

Rather than suppress it and shame yourself for it, ask this part of you, what it wants to TELL you. It has stories. It has something to say. It has a REASON that it shows up like this.

You might be surprised with what you find.

If you lean avoidant, notice when you are trying to create distance between you and the people you date. Notice if it’s something small like their laugh or the way they speak… what in you has difficulty HOLDING the discomfort of someone being different to you?

Lean into this.

For the coupled up love bugs:

DON’T. RUN. AWAY. FROM. UNCOMFORTABLE. CONVERSATIONS. About things like money, needs, and personal ideas about how you both see the relationship progressing. I think a lot of people wait until circumstances make it so you HAVE to talk about these things.

These conversations may trigger DISCOMFORT momentarily but ultimately it will actually lead to more feelings of SAFETY and security as well as feeling at EASE in the relationship.

An extra teaspoon of sugar

Also here are some pics from my trip to Kenya! I went in early Jan with quite a few of my family members for 2 weeks and it was EVERYTHINGGG.

This is my third time back but this time, we visited Nairobi, went on Safari #2 for me in Maasai Mara, and visited the coast for a much needed beach moment in Diani.

1st pic me in Diani, 2nd pic my room in Diana 3rd pic my cousin and I on a safari in Maasai Mara, 4th pic — me on of our safari jeep near the boarder of Tanzania 5th pic me with extended family from my dad’s side in Nairobi and 6th pic me with the snake smiling yet feeling scared because I accidentally scratched it 😬😝 (no snakes were harmed in the taking of this pic).

Until the next pour 🫖,


Hi! I'm Beatrice!

Beatrice Kamau. Mind expander. Top podcast host of the Self Love Fix. Abundance magnet⚡️ I help you alchemize doubt👉🏾 self-trust + magnetize your desires to you with EASE🔮🪄

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