Stepping into being FULLY seen

This Month’s Tea

(newsletter theme of the month):

The Skim

(a preview of the entire newsletter):

  • A new way to think about being SEEN, attention, and… visibility
  • MAJOR astrology to take note of + how to navigate these impactful transits
  • A brand new masterclass on how to shift from being PREOCCUPIED by how others SEE you, interpret you, or THINK about you to being SOLID and CONFIDENT in how YOU SEE YOU
  • Being SEEN in dating + relationships

This Month's Honey:

(inspirational quote or message, a recommendation, or one of my learnings for the month):

“To be vulnerable is to be fully seen and to be fully seen is to be visible. Where you hide your vulnerability is where you choose to be invisible.”

- Beatrice Kamau

What’s in your strainer?

(things that may be holding you back and what to do about it):



Being seen.

What comes to mind when you read these words? Fear? Thoughts of how you can control others' perceptions of you? Self-absorption?

What do you think about OTHERS who feel comfortable with visibility? Attention? Being seen? ←– this might clue you in to where you LIMIT yourself around experiencing all of the above.

Visibility is vulnerability and… being seen just as you are can bring up a lot of shit for people.

Whether we’re talking about dating and someone seeing our softer side.

Being a content creator or artist and putting your work out there.

Moving up in your career and your coworkers witnessing you progress.

Most people cannot handle the lack of control that comes with being seen. The inability to control how people perceive you in being FULLY SEEN as you are– no hiding, no holding back.

But what if the lack of control is one of the most liberating parts of allowing yourself to experience it? It is for me. I actually find more liberation in the lack of control than I do in trying to control how I am seen.

What are you trying to CONTROL? Where are you trying to remain INVISIBLE? Who would you be if you felt comfortable with… visibility?


(major astrology to take note of):

We’ve got some MAJOR astrology this month.

Saturn enters Pisces 🌊: Saturn, the planet of BOUNDARIES enters pisces, the sign of the DISSOLUTION of boundaries, spirituality, and compassion March 7th at 5:35 am PST. It will be in the sign of pisces for about 2.5 years. During this time, expect this to be brought to the surface: your ability to hold DUALITY in compassion. Being compassionate does not mean LACK OF BOUNDARIES for ex: letting your boundaries around your time go because someone in your family is having a difficult time. You can actually be compassionate AND have your boundaries remain intact. Allow this transit to show you how.

Pluto enters Aquarius 📲 (March 23 at 5:13 am PST): Okay this is kind of a biggie. Pluto only changes signs about every 20 years or so, so this is major. Pluto rules over the unconscious, the taboo, everything that goes on in the dark. Pluto also rules over POWER. Now, the sign of Aquarius rules over technology, community, and friendships. This transit will really impact us on a COLLECTIVE level as Aqua rules over the masses. This transit is about to introduce us to the OTHER side of visibility. The taboo side. The shadowy side. The side where things and people aren’t always what and who they appear to be. This transit really asks you to remember to access your discernment. To be in CHOICE with what you want to align yourself with in community, on social media, and with technology as a whole.

Mars enters Cancer 🦀 (March 25 at 4:45 am PST): Mars, the planet of action, has a bit of a difficult time in Cancer (it is in fall in Cancer). Mars likes to get things DONE + to be DIRECT and Cancer…. Well cancer likes to take naps 😝 and would prefer to be suggestive than to lay it all out– hence why Cancer rules over crabs, the sea critter that walks sideways 😉. This transit challenges the part of you that wants to sideways where you need to move HEAD ON. Where is this for you? What resistance do you need to push through to do what needs to be DONE?

What's brewing?

(what's new/low cost offerings coming up in my world):

Ahhh! My March Masterclass, Miss Understood, takes place in just a few weeks!

Miss Understood is The live masterclass on how to stay SOLID in how you show up in life even when people misunderstand you, judge you, or criticize you.

What I’ll be teaching in this masterclass has been my life’s work- expanding my capacity to be SEEN and visible whether I'm received well, I'm misunderstood, or I'm received negatively.

I’ve learned how to hold it ALL especially in business. Where most people HIDE parts of themselves for fear of saying the wrong thing, being canceled, being disliked, the PRESSURE of presenting a certain way all the time– i’ve learned how to be SOLID in myself amidst it all. I’ve learned how to no longer be a victim to other people’s interpretations of me.

The Miss Understood masterclass will take place Tuesday, March 28 at 5 PM PST (replay will be available if you cannot make it) and is currently $111. Full price will be over $200. Click below to sign up!


(what's happening in the community):

We’ve just started doing weekly podcast threads in the free, Shameless Societea facebook group to give everyone in the communitea space to reflect and share their thoughts about each new podcast episode!

My thought process behind creating these weekly threads was for people who wanted to expand on the topics mentioned on the podcast to have that space and to connect with others who want to do the same

Also, if you haven't joined the communitea yet…. You 100% NEED to!

Matcha Green Tea Energy

(tip to help with INTENTIONAL + stable energy management):

There’s allowing yourself to be seen and there’s trying to STRUCTURE and have a HAND in how you’re seen.

For example, contemplating what you’re going to post on social media for an extra 10-15 minutes to make sure you’re not seen as this or people don’t think that instead of just… posting the ting.

Trying to STRUCTURE + manipulate how you’re seen takes A LOT OF ENERGY.

It takes a lot of energy to have to stop and THINK about how you want to be seen or to have your energy focused on how you ARE BEING SEEN as opposed to just allowing yourself to be seen.

And it can feel hard to remain SOLID in how you actually see yourself when your attention is diverted to others.

Here’s my tip💡: Practice BUILDING the trust with yourself that it’s safe to be seen exactly as you are by creating evidence for yourself. See what happens when you don’t overcomplicate posting the post. See what happens when you share with that person you’re chatting with on Hinge how you ACTUALLY are feeling instead of just saying “i’m good!” when you’re having a more difficult day (just make sure it’s coming from a clean space of connection rather than emotional dumping vibes!)

What to indulge in this month

(Beatrice’s indulgent pick of the month: candle, tea, wine, perfume etc.):

Positive Light Under Eye Brightener by Rare beauty 😮‍💨. I LOVEEE it because it’s the most natural looking concealer i’ve ever bought, it’s so light, and it has this metal ball tip applicator that feels cooling on the eyes when you apply it😍.On most days I just wear it with mascara + a good lip gloss and i’m good to go.

I use the shade medium-deep (keep in mind this is good for light coverage).

For you and the sweet-tea in your Life

(dating tips):

For the single honey bees:

The dating process + entering a relationship requires you to get comfortable with being VISIBLE.

And sometimes visibility feels UNCOMFORTABLE.

Don’t let discomfort dissuade you from being seen. Trust that you can move through discomfort.

Notice where you shy away from being seen (emotionally? When people find you attractive and actually show you interest?)

Remember what I said earlier, where you choose to hide from vulnerability– that is where you choose to hide from being visible– you choose to be invisible.

For the coupled up love bugs:

What I’m going to tell you is similar to what I’ve told the single honey-bees above:

Being in a relationship will DEEPEN and STRENGTHEN your ability to be visible– if you let it.

What parts of you do you choose to keep invisible to your partner?

The funny thing is, the parts of us we feel the most shame around have the MOST potential to deepen our connection to others.

Where can you choose visibility + vulnerability over shame in your relationship?

Let visibility be a vehicle for connection in your relationship.

Until the next pour 🫖,


Hi! I'm Beatrice!

Beatrice Kamau. Mind expander. Top podcast host of the Self Love Fix. Abundance magnet⚡️ I help you alchemize doubt👉🏾 self-trust + magnetize your desires to you with EASE🔮🪄

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