THIS is what stepping into your power means🔥

This Month’s Tea

(newsletter theme of the month):

The Skim

(a preview of the entire newsletter):

  • How to step into your power and trust yourself to make decisions for YOU.
  • Helpful tips to discovering the leader in you so that you can embrace your sovereignty.
  • A masterclass that lays the foundation for TRUST and POWER within yourself
  • A simple tip to help with energy management

This Month's Honey:

(inspirational quote or message, a recommendation, or one of my learnings for the month):

Well heaux, heaux, heaux there and welcome to the Holiday Edition of the Indulgent and Balanced™ newsletter!🎄

The holidays always feel like such a royal time to me. It’s something I think about all the colors, the golds, silvers– the bejeweled (hey Taylor Swift! iykyk) tones like emeralds and rubies. I LOVE the way these royal colors make me feel.

And that’s exactly why this month’s theme is SOVEREIGNTY.

Sovereignty to me, is being in your power.

It’s rising up and trusting in your ability to MAKE DECISIONS and to carry yourself to the other side.

Many people have trouble trusting themselves to make decisions. They may have either decision-fatigue from being in independent-mode 24/7 or they may actually believe they are powerless and live in the land of helplessness 24/7.

What if I told you hyper-independence is as unsupportive as extreme dependence on others?

Often people try to suppress their codependency by swinging to the other side– hyper independence. This is the energy of “I can do everything all by myself” “I don’t NEED help or support” etc. It’s also the energy of never admitting when you’re having a hard time and difficulty with vulnerability. Which means you don’t get to just… be a human.

See what I mean by both are unsupportive? I was in the space of hyper-independence for a while and I knew it was unsustainable. I knew there had to be something beyond the extremes of codependency and hyper-independence.

And that to me, is sovereignty. The ability to discern when you can do the damn thing and when you need a helping hand along the way.

What’s in your strainer?

(things that may be holding you back and what to do about it):

How do you view your ability to get things done? Do you see yourself as naturally capable? Or only capable when others tell you you are?

Do you feel that fire within you that KNOWS how to be decisive, that KNOWS what’s best for you, that HAS that unbridled confidence and try to snuff it out? Or do you follow that inner knowing with boldness?🔥

That inner fire IS your sovereignty. That’s the LEADER in you.

Journal on this: Where do I suppress my leadership? What am I afraid might happen if I step into my courageous, decisive, certainty- into my sovereignty?✍🏾


(major astrology to take note of):

Jupiter in Aries Dec 20, 2022- May 16, 2023 🔥: Jupiter, now direct, will be re-entering the bold, courageous, fiery sign of Aries December 20th of this month. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, OPPORTUNITY, and optimism.

Utilize this transit as training wheels to learn how to become a SELF-STARTER. A quick decision maker. A LEADER. To be sovereign over your life is to LEAD YOURSELF. Aries KNOWS how to lead. To Aries, the vibe is LESS thinking, more MOVING (cardinal energy baybee!🤘🏾).

Where most people slow DOWN during the holidays, utilize the energy of Jupiter in Aries to bring MOMENTUM in your life. Be a bad bitch of your word. Let your actions follow closely behind your words.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Dec 29, 2022- January 18, 2023🔨: Most people look at retrogrades as the time to panic. I look at retrogrades as a really amazing opportunity to REFLECT, to re-route as needed, to make sure things are running smoothly.

To me, retrogrades are like a helpful check-engine light here to help me catch things before it’s too late.

Dec 29, 2022 begins a mercury retrograde in the sign of ultra-practical, hard-working Capricorn. Capricorn loooooves to takes things slow, plan, and does not mind the WORK and discipline it takes to JOURNEY to the other side.

This mercury retrograde asks, where can you be more INTENTIONAL with your personal projects, business projects, and work projects? Where can you trade RUSHING to the future for the joy and satisfaction of being RIGHT HERE in the present? Where are you lacking discipline and lost sight of your vision? How can you use this information to become more dedicated in the things that you say matters to you?

What's brewing?

(what's new/low cost offerings coming up in my world):

MOVE masterclass (December 15, 2022 at 5 PM PST): Move is a 60 minute masterclass where I teach you how to step into the TRUST and PERSONAL POWER that MAGNETIZES mind-blowing, reality-bending outcomes in your life so that you can:

🔥trust your INTUITION over others’ opinions and suggestions

🔥actually have your PHYSICAL reality ACTUALLY reflect what you envision in your mind

🔥Stop playing small and start normalizing BIG moves, EXPANSIVE life experiences, and leading an EXTRAORDINARY life

🔥Shift from ONLY BEING the supportive role and cheerleader in others’ magical lives to playing the LEADING role in your own magical life


(what's happening in the community):

We have been having SO MUCH fun in the Shameless Societea free communitea! If you’re not in it…. Run, don’t walk to the link below.

This is a space where you get to celebrate yourself (yes, we have a cheeky fun thread every Monday, just for this! #attentionplease #iykyk)

Where you get to meet like-minded individuals who are doing the inner work just like you. (it seriously warms my SOUL to see people in the group support each other and give recommendations to each other)

AND where you get to be… you. Check out what one of our communitea members had to say about the group below.

This is not just another tumbleweed central facebook group. This is a high societea group where bad bitches come together to get shameless, do high societea things, and EXPAND.

Join below and check out the free masterclass I did last month on HOW to find and create healthy adult friendships (it was ICONIC!)

Matcha Green Tea Energy

(tip to help with INTENTIONAL + stable energy management):

A big part of sovereignty is knowing 1. When you NEED support and 2. Communicating that to the right people. As I always say, no one gets a gold star for struggling.

One of the easiest ways you can support your energy management is to start asking for support. Notice where you reflexively tell people “No, I’m good!” When they offer you help.

Notice where you wait until you are completely burned out or exhausted to finally ask for support. It is safe to be supported. Ask yourself “Where can I delegate more? Where can I say yes to help where it’s offered?”

What to indulge in this month

(Beatrice’s indulgent pick of the month: candle, tea, wine, perfume etc.):

THIS vanilla latte candle.

It smells like a coffee shop in the winter time. Vanilla. Coffee bean dark roast. YUM. It smells SO GOOD. I put it on my desk and light it up every time I work because the coffee smell really just puts me in the ZONE

I get them from Marshall’s (at half the price!) when they’re in stock but you can also get yours here!

For you and the sweet-tea in your Life

(dating tips):

For the single honey bees:

A REALLY great way to begin activating your sovereignty in dating is to have your ACTIONS match your words— your BELIEF in the dating process.

For example, many people want a relationship, but when it comes to dating apps, or a first date that didn’t work out so well, or a situationship that left a sour taste in their mouths, they suddenly LOSE their sovereignty.

They shift into victim mode “it never works for me!” “why me?”.

To be sovereign is to CHOOSE what type of future you will carve out for yourself.

There is no passivity and powerlessness in Sovereignty.

For the coupled up love bugs:

One of the most beautiful things about partnership is having someone to lean on when things get rough, when you need support, and when you need help.

Sometimes though, we may feel we are “burdening” our partners when we lean onto them. This may ESPECIALLY ring true for my avoidant folks or my folks who have difficulty opening up emotionally.

Couldn’t be further from the truth. Where are you carrying things all on your own in your relationship? Is it emotionally? Stress wise? Fears/worries you are afraid to open up to your partner about?

Wishing you the BEST holiday season with your friends and family!


Hi! I'm Beatrice!

Beatrice Kamau. Mind expander. Top podcast host of the Self Love Fix. Abundance magnet⚡️ I help you alchemize doubt👉🏾 self-trust + magnetize your desires to you with EASE🔮🪄

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