What they don’t tell you about manifestation..

This Month’s Tea

(newsletter theme of the month):

The Skim

(a preview of the entire newsletter):

  • New Year, New Manifestation Tools! How to deep dive into embracing the duality of Manifestation.
  • How to manifest in a way that serves you and breaks new barriers against limiting beliefs
  • How to take inspired action towards the thing YOU want
  • Done, Done & Done.. The guide of how to create a goal and actually follow through

This Month's Honey:

(inspirational quote or message, a recommendation, or one of my learnings for the month):

OMG! Happy New Year! Let’s chat manifestation.

More specifically the duality in manifestation. Manifestation requires us to embrace duality.

Manifestation is bringing into the physical, what exists in the vibrational. Duality. In the manifestation world, many are familiar with the affirmations, the gratitude, and feeling into what it would be like to have MORE.

That’s one side of it. Remember, there’s duality in manifestation.The other side of manifestation requires us to follow the nudges, to be LED, to take what’s called inspired action.

This is really where we get to PRACTICE our faith, our trust. We allow ourselves to be GUIDED and led to the thing.

Think about it like this, if you desire to manifest a healthy, supportive relationship and you dip into the frequency of TRUST and RECEIVING the manifestation but you stay in your apartment all day, I mean… what good is your faith?

What good is your faith if you don’t trust the nudge that says hey, try signing up for bumble. Hey you should go to that event, hey you might need support in this area, etc.

See what I mean? In church, they used to say, faith without works is dead. I couldn't agree MORE. It’s believing AND moving. It’s gratitude AND going where you’re led.

Incorporate THIS in 2023, and watch as you manifest things you never thought possible.🪄

What’s in your strainer?

(things that may be holding you back and what to do about it):

We are ALWAYS manifesting. We’re always creating.

Here’s the thing though, when we CONSCIOUSLY manifest new things, we are choosing to stretch ourselves BEYOND our current belief system.

That means, In order to manifest, you actually have to take a look at your current belief system but even DEEPER than that, you actually have got to examine the parts of you that actually BENEFIT and LIKE being right where you are now.

Many are familiar with examining limiting beliefs, which is great. AND deeper than that, there is a reason you are UPHOLDING those limiting beliefs. There is an subconscious part of you that wants to hold onto them and an unconscious part of you that KNOWS why they're being upheld in the first place.

I know right? Manifestation runs DEEP. It is truly where the conscious meets the unconscious.

So when it comes to what you want to manifest, if you REALLY have a hard time believing it’s possible for you, rather than coat your unbelief with affirmations, be willing to actually examine, What in me, DOESN’T want this thing + why? 🔍 POWERFUL QUESTION.


(major astrology to take note of):

Mars direct in Gemini January 12 at 3:56 PM PST: Mars stations direct in Gemini January 12 after almost 3 months in retrograde. Mars is the planet of ACTION.

How will you take what you’ve learned about slowing down to speed up and reviewing data + information BEFORE making a move when it comes to taking INSPIRED action in your manifestations? Will you INUNDATE yourself with information and talk yourself in and out of actually making a move?

Or will you sift out the noise and choose which information you want to tune into and take aligned steps accordingly?

Mercury direct in Capricorn January 18 at 8:12 AM PST: Mercury (planet ruling over time + communication ) stations direct in Capricorn January 18 after just under a month in retrograde.

Capricorn rules over structure and is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline. How will you take what you’ve learned about prioritizing structure and discipline into how you spend your TIME + how you navigate TIME in the manifestation process? Time is something that gets people.

They give up. They lose hope. They’re unwilling to do what is required of them. How will you take what you’ve learned from this retrograde and move DIFFERENTLY?

What's brewing?

(what's new/low cost offerings coming up in my world):

While the new year isn’t the ONLY time we are able to think about what am I working towards? How will I actually make the thing I want to happen, happen? It does tend to be the time of year where many of us DO.

There’s manifesting and there’s doing. That is taking inspired action toward the thing you want. Remember, duality. There is you trusting and you moving your feet.

And I’ve got just the thing to support you in doing BOTH when it comes to manifesting your goals.

Last year, I made a cute little PDF guide and how to video on starting a goal, creating a plan, and ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THROUGH on it called Done. done, and DONE! The follow through gets people EVERY TIME. But it’s actually easier than you think! And you’re more capable than you think.

I also include my process for how I structure my google calendar MONTHLY to support my goals and my energetic capacity.

And because we’re email pals, I’ve decided to gift you a $20 off coupon off Done, done, and DONE! My 3 step process on how to start and follow through on your goals (originally $47) using code NEWYEAR

CLICK HERE TO GET $20 OFF done, done and DONE! Using code NEWYEAR at checkout


(what's happening in the community):

Self Trust Alchemy My, 16 week live group program formerly known as SLOC, begins NEXT MONTH!


Self Trust Alchemy is my IMMERSIVE live group program on on how to make decisions, speak up about what you think and feel, and set boundaries from a place of POWER.

It’s where you find community and where you find YOU as you go deeeeep into ego work, shadow work, and awaken the POWERHOUSE you.

Click here to join at $2599. Full price will be $3K. Extended payment plans available

Also, also, also! The Shameless Societea, my free facebook communitea where you learn to hold yourself to a higher standard, to BE, and learn to expand through community and vulnerability is at officially over 300 members! Ahh!

Click here to join the luxe, high societea

Matcha Green Tea Energy

(tip to help with INTENTIONAL + stable energy management):

Though I believe with manifestation, it LARGELY involves examining your belief system, examining + integrating your shadows– at your unconscious…. you want to also make sure you are HOLDING + AFFIRMING the energy of what you desire.

You want to make sure you speak LIFE + affirmations you actually BELIEVE and feel in your bones, as you are cleaning up your limiting beliefs. This is important because:

1.) Manifestation relies on you HOLDING the vibrational energy of what you want

2.) The process of manifestation can actually feel like a DEEP DIVE into the most hidden parts of you you didn’t even know existed– it can be… tender, emotional. All the things. Affirmations are like the sweetness, the honey, that keeps you on the path towards your manifestation.

Here are a few of my affirmations I feel in my BONES that I constantly affirm when manifesting. Find affirmations that make sense for YOU and what you’re manifesting and that you actually BELIEVE is true:

  • I am highly supported + well taken care of
  • EVERYTHING is working in my favor even when I can’t see it, it’s always working for me

Affirmations for money

  • Money is CERTAIN. It’s constantly flowing and trickling in. It’s ALWAYS on time.
  • Money is constantly finding new and clever ways to GET IN MY WORLD

What to indulge in this month

(Beatrice’s indulgent pick of the month: candle, tea, wine, perfume etc.):

Maie Wines!

Omg I LOVEEEE this wine brand. It was created by one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Jaclyn Johnson, founder of Create + Cultivate.

Maie wines is a wine brand that sells single served wine that comes in cute (Very aesthetic!) little bottles! The idea behind the brand is reducing waste AND encouraging healthy portion sizes with wine (love this sooo much).

Like have you ever opened a bottle of wine for a guest or because you wanted a glass but didn’t want to waste the rest of it? (wine only lasts 3-5 days in the fridge after opening by the way! I know!)

That’s why I really like Maie wines. I have my little glass or just a portion of it (it’s about 6 oz, standard serving size of wine is 5), I put it in the fridge and come back to it and don’t have to waste a bottle!

I especially love this with their white wine and rosé because I am a red wine drinker so I just don’t want bottles of white and rosé opened because I know they’ll go to waste unless I have guests.

My cousin got me the “chill” pack pictured above that came with rosé, sauvignon blanc, and pinot noir– their current variety- AND a facial oil from chillhouse! It was the sweetest gift! You can find it here.

For you and the sweet-tea in your Life

(dating tips):

For the single honey bees:

My advice to you is simple. Don’t. Give. Up. On. Finding. Your. Person. If it’s something you truly desire and are manifesting, it is CERTAIN that it will happen.

That’s not even in question. What is in question is how committed you are to the process? How committed are you to doing your part? Remember, it’s manifesting and doing.

Your person is not going to fall into your apartment out of thin air.😉

For the coupled up love bugs:

The EASIEST way to “get” (and I say get in quotes because I can’t think of a better word lol) your partner to do the things you ask of them etc. is to actually… wait for it… RELAX and LET IT HAPPEN.

Remember manifesting and doing. If you’ve already told them what you would like them to do (and hopefully in a way that you took accountability for needs + did not shame or guilt them into it), You’ve done the doing part already. You’ve done your part.

Hold the ENERGY of your desire, of what you want to see them do. Then watch as it unfolds. Manifestation really requires you to know your role in the process. Yes there is inspired action (the doing) but that does NOT mean manipulating the process, lacking trust, and trying to make it happen ALL ON YOUR OWN.

When you try to make it happen yourself, you block the flow because you’ve dropped trust. When you RELAX and let it unfold, you make ROOM for your manifestation to drop IN.

Wishing you the most INDULGENT + BALANCED 2023 ever + catch you next month,


Hi! I'm Beatrice!

Beatrice Kamau. Mind expander. Top podcast host of the Self Love Fix. Abundance magnet⚡️ I help you alchemize doubt👉🏾 self-trust + magnetize your desires to you with EASE🔮🪄

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